TITANS // 2017

// an alien space for two in a time before reason

In an undefined emptiness, a cosmic being of unclear gender sways gently on a swing. Forehead large, belly swollen with child or just ideas. Omnipotent and always there, from before the beginning. Immortal, and restless. Ever in need of a companion: an imperceptible presence, a shadow-figure who slips through the surrounding darkness to make this peculiar cosmos spin.

// where & when

// 2017
GREECE // ATHENS // Athens & Epidaurus Festival // 6-8 June 2017 // première
ITALY // TURIN // Festival delle Colline Torinesi // 19 June 2017
SPAIN // BARCELONA // Grec Festival de Barcelona // 5-7 July 2017
NETHERLANDS // AMSTERDAM // Julidans // 13 July 2017
GREECE // ATHENS // Megaron Underground // 23-25 November 2017
FRANCE // PARIS // Théâtre de la Ville – Les Abbesses // 30 November – 2 December 2017

// 2018
PORTUGAL // GUIMARÃES // GUIdance Festival // 10 February 2018
SWITZERLAND // LAUSANNE // Les Printemps de Sévelin // 28 February & 1 March 2018
FRANCE // MARSEILLE // KLAP Maison pour la danse // 29 March 2018
CANADA // MONTREAL // FTA – Festival TransAmériques // 29-31 May 2018
ITALY // ANCONA // Inteatro Festival // 21 June 2018
BELGIUM // BRUSSELS // Les Brigittines // 17 & 18 August 2018
GERMANY // BERLIN // Tanz in August // 23-25 August 2018
FRANCE // LYON // Biennale de la danse // 28 & 29 September 2018

// 2019
SWITZERLAND // ZURICH // Gessnerallee // 25 & 26 January 2019
FRANCE // MONTPELLIER // ICI–CCN & Montpellier Danse // 21 February 2019
CHINA // HONG KONG // Hong Kong Arts Festival // 27 & 28 February 2019
LITHUANIA // VILNIUS // New Baltic Dance // 3 & 4 May 2019
ITALY // BRESCIA // Centro Teatrale Bresciano // 28 June 2019

// 2020
GREECE // ATHENS // Onassis Stegi // 31 January 2020
SPAIN // MADRID // Teatros del Canal // 6-8 February 2020

// 2021
GREECE // ATHENS // Onassis Stegi – Main stage // 8-12 December 2021

// 2022
TURKEY // ISTANBUL // Zorlu Performans Sanatları Merkezi // 23-24 November 2022

// 2023
UNITED KINGDOM // LONDON // The Coronet Theatre // 3-4 March 2023*
*supported by ONASSIS STEGI's Outward Turn Program
GREECE // PIRAEUS // Municipal Theatre of Piraeus // 8, 9, 10 & 11 June 2023

// 2024
CHINA // SHANGHAI // ACT Contemporary Theatre Festival // 14-15 September 2024

// reviews

Laskaridis is a craftsman of times and atmospheres, a creator of extraordinary characters, capable of connecting the domestic with echoes of the cosmic.
In its non-linear, unconventional narrative TITANS is possibly an astral metaphor, a time twister, a childhood romp across Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in which all that’s about to happen, and all that’s already zoomed past, is jumbled into one unforgettable theatrical experience.
— LORETTA MONACO // London Theatre UK
In this work – one unique in terms of genre, quite unlike anything else – we find something that resembles the wonderment a child feels when first faced with the transformative, illusory, inventive power of theatre. It’s a precious thing. […] Hats off.

Euripides Laskaridis’ TITANS sticks in the mind; when the curtain falls, the images presented by this Greek choreographer and performer keep rising over and again before your eyes. […] One watches “TITANS” with the voracious appetite of someone desperate for their fill of beauty. […] He seems to gather iconic relics from art history and blend them into a drink that distills the melancholy experienced by a being, one that performs and carries within it the stories of an entire world.
Sacred and profane, ritual and prosaic, divine and infernal. […] It escapes every classification, every qualification. It is not theatre, not dance, not performance, and yet it partakes of all their natures. It is a genre beyond genres, and this – within the limits of what is defined and definable – is a political act of great impact. In these times when we are all obsessed with the notion of being someone or something, of belonging to this or that sexual, political, work, or social tribe, this non-definability, this escape from identification, shows us a path towards a nature that once was ours: ambiguous and multi-faceted, plural yet non-divided, complete and all-encompassing.
— ENRICO PASTORE // enricopastore.com

// awards & nominations

GREECE // Greek Queer Theatre Awards 2018
Best Set & Costume Design [TITANS // Euripides Laskaridis & Angelos Mentis – WINNERS]
Best Gender Fuck Aesthetic [TITANS // Euripides Laskaridis – FINALIST]
Best Music [TITANS // Giorgos Poulios – FINALIST]

// residencies

PORTUGAL // MONTEMOR-O-NOVO // O Espaço do Tempo // 23 February – 9 March 2017 // for the development of TITANS

// original music

TITANS // death in tehran // by Giorgos Poulios

Soundtrack for Titans Directed by Euripides Laskarides

// project info

TITANS // 2017
// a piece for two performers
// 50 minutes

direction, choreography & set design // Euripides Laskaridis
performed by // Euripides Laskaridis & Dimitris Matsoukas

costume design // Angelos Mentis
original music & sound design // Giorgos Poulios
lighting design // Eliza Alexandropoulou
dramaturgy consultant // Alexandros Mistriotis
artistic collaborators // Nikos Dragonas, Thanos Lekkas, Simos Patieridis, Diogenis Skaltsas & Drossos Skotis

sound design, programming & live operation // Themistocles Pandelopoulos
sound installation & live operation // Nikos Kollias, Kostis Pavlopoulos & Giorgos Chanos
lighting installation // Konstantinos Margas, Vangelis Mountrichas & Giorgos Melissaropoulos

assistants to the director // Dimitris Triandafyllou & Paraskevi Lypimenou
assistant to the set & costume designers // Ioanna Plessa
set assistant on tour // Tzela Christopoulou & Konstantinos Chaldaios 
trainee production assistants // Lisandra Caires & Samuel Esteves Querido

co-producers coordinator // Elisabeth Tsouchtidi

production & tour manager // Maria Dourou [2017-18], Vicky Strataki / POLYPLANITY Productions [2024]
tour managers // Simona Fremder [2018-22] & Gema Rollon Blanco [2019]
tour technical director // Konstantinos Margas
tour production assistance // Nikos MavrakisTooFarEast Productions [2019-23]
OSMOSIS operations coordinator // Euklida Velaj [2023-24], Yannis Savouidakis [2024], Aristea Stefanoudaki [2024]

photography // Elina Giounanli & Julian Mommert
camera operators // Stelios Keramidas, Samuel Esteves Querido & Dimitris Triandafyllou
video trailer edited by // Euripides Laskaridis

created with the support of // the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès [FR] as part of its New Settings #7 programme

co-produced by // the Athens & Epidaurus Festival [GR], Théâtre de la Ville [FR], Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture [GR], Festival TransAmériques [CA], Julidans [NL], Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall [GR], Centro Cultural Vila Flor (CCVF) Guimarães [PR] & the OSMOSIS performing arts company [GR]

also supported by // O Espaço do Tempo [PR], NEON [GR], Centre Culturel Hellenique [FR], the Isadora & Raymond Duncan Dance Research Centre [GR] & AEGEAN Airlines [GR]

presented in collaboration with // EdM ProductionsRial & Eshelman [2018-22]

the international tour of TITANS [2024-25] is financially supported and under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture

special thanks to // Dimitris Papaioannou for his support and invaluable artistic guidance every step of the way, and to Tina Papanikolaou for her unparalleled help since day one

thanks also to // Alahouzos Bros, Kostas Angelou, Miltos Athanasiou, Loukas Bakas, Katerina Berdeka, Leonardo Cela, Vassia Christodoulou, Iakovos Darzentas, Kelly Diapouli, Nectarios Dionysatos, Stephanos Droussiotis, Maxim Florian, Elina Giounanli, Konstantinos Haldeos, Fani Harvalia, Thanassis Kalkanis, Vicky Kaminari, Dio Kangelari, Efi Karantassiou, Kyriacos Karseras, Marianna Kavallieratos, Rena & Lia Laskaridou, Stelios Keramidos, Vassiliki-Yolanda Kita, Vicky Kolovou, Stelios Lambadarios, George Lykiardopoulos, Vicky Marangopoulou, Dimitris Markou, Sofia Mavragani, Kostas Michopoulos, Alexandra Mitsotsaki, Julian Mommert, Litsa Moumouri, Dinos Nikolaou, Kostis Pavlopoulos, Benjamin Perchet, Christos Perzos, Sissy Petropoulou, Lemi Ponifasio, Stavroula Saloutsi, Yorgos Skanis, Stergiani Tsintziloni, Olga Valassaki & Claire Verlet


// see also