ROUTES ON ROOTS // ELEUSIS // 2016 & 2018
// coffee and love
Designed by OSMOSIS for Synikismos – an Eleusis neighbourhood created by an influx of refugees from Asia Minor in 1922 – this promenade performance was led by their descendants and the area’s current inhabitants.
Opening up their homes for everyone to walk through, they spoke to us about saints and miracles, told nostalgic and personal stories from Asia Minor and old Eleusis, and sang songs from Smyrna as we strolled alongside them.
ROUTES ON ROOTS was created as part of the European Commission’s Meeting the Odyssey Cultural Project, and was first presented by Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture (when still a candidate city in the summer of 2016) as part of its Synikismos Festival.

where & when
GREECE // ELEUSIS // Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture – Synikismos Festival – Meeting the Odyssey Project // 28 June 2016
GREECE // ELEUSIS // Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture – Synikismos Festival // 15 June 2018
// project info
ROUTES ON ROOTS // 2016 & 2018
// community project – promenade performance
// ten-day workshop & three-hour performance
conceived and directed by // Euripides Laskaridis
with the participation of the following Eleusis residents [2016] // Evgenia Antonara-Tsolaki, Voula Gemela-Kalaskani, Michalis Gemelas, Georgia Giatzoglou-Antoniadou, Vangelis Gkinis, Vera Gkioka, Mohamed Hatzi, Mustafa Hatzi, Nikos Hatziantoniou, Maria Hondronikola-Laskou, Elena Kaila-Gkoutzeli, Maria Kalamara, Manolis Kalamaras, Frosso Karakitsou, Evangelia Katsouri, Nitsa Koroyiannaki, Sara Michailou, Keti Mytilinaki, Nikos Navroussoglou, Stella Navroussoglou, Simos Nektaridis, Evangelia Papadopoulou, Vassiliki Sfika-Torou, Yorgos Skianis, Gkilouzar Souleimanoglou, Evangelia Tagkadiadi, Maria Tagkadiadi, Fofo Tagkadiadi-Hereti, Mimis Tagkadiadis, Vangelis Tsakiroglou & Peggy Tsolakaki
dramaturgy consultant // Aspasia-Maria Alexiou
artistic advisor // Alexandros Mistriotis
camera operators // Stelios Keramidas & Dimitris Triandafyllou
in collaboration with // the Eleusis Asia Minor Association & Georgia Giatzoglou-Antoniadou
presented as part of // the Meeting the Odyssey Project – An Adventure Beyond Art, Myths, and Everyday Life in Europe [2013-2017] – funded by the European Commission’s Culture Programme – as one of its “instant performances” created within a short timeframe through meetings between the artist and local residents
co-funded by // the Region of Attica [GR]
in co-operation with // the Aeschylean Festival [GR – 2016]
co-produced by // Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture – Synikismos Festival [GR] & the OSMOSIS performing arts company [GR]
warm thanks to // the president of the Eleusis Asia Minor Association – Georgia Giatzoglou-Antoniadou – for her invaluable help, and to all the residents of Synikismos who opened up their homes to us all and generously shared their stories
thanks also to // Yorgos Alexandrou, Eleni Androni, Vicky Passiopoulou, Yiannis Sideris, Yorgos Skianis & Maria Valavani, and to Theodossis Apostolidis for kindly providing access to the Apostolidis Bakery