// finding a language for life
“It is not about art, also not about pure technique.
It is about life, and therefore it is about
finding a language for life.”
In 2016, the Arts Foundation of North-Rhine Westphalia and the Pina Bausch Foundation created an annual grant programme that honours this credo – the Pina Bausch Fellowship for Dance and Choreography.
The Fellowship gives artists from the fields of dance and choreography – up to four each year – the chance to gain new experiences, and to develop their own artistic characteristics through new forms of expression, in partnership with a renowned choreographer, ensemble or institution of their choosing.
Euripides was selected to be one of the inaugural Pina Bausch Fellows, alongside Jared Onyango, Ayelen Parolin and Anton Valdbauer.
He chose to partner with the Samoan choreographer and director Lemi Ponifasio, who works in New Zealand. Though at first glance quite distinct from his own, Euripides felt an instinctual connection to Lemi’s work, and was interested in the ways he manipulates time and encourages a contemplation of life.
Euripides spent time with Lemi around the world – across five countries and three continents – attending his company’s performances, rehearsals and workshops through 2016 and into January 2017, and thus also observing the development of new work up close.
Euripides’ Fellowship was completed by a final lecture presenting his experiences, given at the Pina Bausch Foundation in Wuppertal, Germany in January 2017.

// where & when
GERMANY // WUPPERTAL // Pina Bausch Foundation & Wuppertal Opera // 27-31 January 2016
// introductory week – archive tour – presentations
FRANCE // PARIS // International Dance Day – Théâtre de la Ville // 29 April 2016
// Lemi Ponifasio – speech & message // MAU – Powhiri [Maori welcome ceremony] & I Am [excerpt performance]
AUSTRIA // ST. PÖLTEN // Festspielhaus St. Pölten // 1 & 2 May 2016
// Standing In Time – Lemi Ponifasio & MAU – residency
NETHERLANDS // AMSTERDAM // Julidans // 4 & 5 July 2016
// Stones In Her Mouth – Lemi Ponifasio & MAU – performances
NEW ZEALAND // RUATOKI // Ohotu Marae [Ngai Tuhoe meeting place] // 11-28 November 2016
// wananga – three-week community project workshop // with Lemi Ponifasio & MAU
NEW ZEALAND // AUCKLAND // National Dance Hui – Together / Moving Forward // 21 & 22 November 2016
// platform for dance // attended with Lemi Ponifasio
CHILE // SANTIAGO // Santiago a Mil Festival // 3 January 2017
// Ceremonia de Memorias – Lemi Ponifasio & MAU MAPUCHE
CHILE // RAPA NUI [EASTER ISLAND] // Teatro a Mil in Rapa Nui Festival // 6 January 2017
// Ceremonia de Memorias – Lemi Ponifasio & MAU MAPUCHE
GERMANY // WUPPERTAL // Pina Bausch Foundation & Wuppertal Opera // 12-14 January 2017
// final week & lecture
// project info
inaugural fellow // Euripides Laskaridis
co-operating partner // Lemi Ponifasio
itinerary // Wuppertal – Paris – St. Pölten – Amsterdam – Ruatoki – Auckland – Santiago – Rapa Nui [Easter Island] – Wuppertal
fellow inaugural fellows // Jared Onyango, Ayelen Parolin & Anton Valdbauer [meet them here]
awarded by // the Arts Foundation of North-Rhine Westphalia [DE] & the Pina Bausch Foundation [DE]
judging panel // Myriam De Clopper, Ana Laguna, Yorgos Loukos & Christophe Slagmuylder